lets learn about matcha!
If your reading this, chances are you've been thrown into the matcha craze. It's pretty much the flavor of the summer. So, why is it so popular? What exactly makes it so good?
what is matcha?
Matcha is a type of green tea power sourced from Japan. Its made by grinding tea leaves into a vibrant green powder and whisking it with hot water. Matcha has been a Japanese staple since it became the center of the countries tea ceremonies. Over the past few years, the superfoods popularity has traveled overseas and is currently experiencing a boom within the world of Gen Z thanks to its natural health benefits. Alright, here's the rundown.
different from your average green tea.
Although green tea does have an abundance of benefits, matcha has been researched to be the ultimate carrier of health benefits. This is because, when ground, the WHOLE matcha leaf is used, meaning you get the full content of its super-powered elements, like amino acids, antioxidants, and vitamins.
one sip of matcha equals an abundance of benefits.
lets name a few...
1. cholesterol reduction
the catechins in matcha protect the heart by naturally lowering cholesterol levels
2. reduces the effects of stress
japanese monks were so taken with the herbal drink due to its stress relieving tendencies caused by the amino acid L-theanine, making it perfect for meditation. many have found the drink to provide a calming effect to their hectic days without any drowsiness.
3. promotes weight loss
matcha has virtually zero calories, so it provides a great kick to your metabolism. a healthy dose of the superfoods concentrated vitamins and minerals creates enzymes and changes to burn fat. matcha will also help you to maximize workouts due to its unique compounds promote extended energy and improved blood flow.
4. detoxifies your body
matcha contains high levels chlorophyll, which is an indicator of key compounds that flush toxins, heavy metals, and chemicals from your body. chlorophyll is what gives matcha its vibrant green color. it is said to look for the greenest matcha in order to take in maximum antioxidants and amino-acids to cleanse the body.
5. great skin & pearly whites
the antibacterial properties in matcha cleanse gums and suppress bacteria that kills cavities. matcha will also help your skin keep its natural state by protecting it from free radicals, and unstable oxygen molecules associated with aging, dull glow, and damaged cells
matcha & caffeine
Great news for all you coffee lovers! Matcha contains caffeine and its much healthier than the popular brown drink we all know and love. Just like coffee, matcha can be made iced or hot. Matcha gives an energy boost that is highly effective and you won't get an energy a few hours later. It increases blood flow and protects your heart so its perfect to drink before a workout.
more to matcha than what meets the eye
Many think that matcha is only used to make drinks. However, its actually frequently used in cooking! Heres a few things you can make.
melon pan
Thanks for reading! Lets just say this post is a little sneak peak of what's to come. Matcha recipes coming soon! ;))
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xoxo Melange